Barbara Lee has worked for 23 years with children with special needs. She was inspired by Jan Olsen,
OTR, and the Handwriting Without Tears program from whom she has learned how important it is to develop a pencil grip at a young age. Future writing skills depends on it. She wanted a tool that could be used by students to develop the fine motor skills and could enjoy. A little boy with a lot of problems with his motor skills inspired her. She discovered that he liked the shape of a crayon as big as CrayonRocks are designed now.

Crayon Rocks® are manufactured in Hestand Kentucky. The crayons are made in a small factory and are packed by hand in small bagst. The whole community is involved to the process. Barbara Lee is a retired teacher who in a beautiful, peaceful setting makes the crayons in an ecological way from a renewable source. The soybeans come from ecological farmers on top of the hill.